Friday, October 2, 2009

control freak baking

So when I got engaged 8 (!!!) months ago, practically the first thing anyone would say (after "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!") was "Are you going to make your own wedding cake?"

And my answer was always yes. Because let's face it, I am an enormous food snob, in the sense that I generally prefer my own version of [insert random food item here] to what I get in a restaurant. And since I find most "bought" cakes dry and unappetizing, the idea of eating someone else's cake on my wedding day seemed totally anathema to me, like Tim Gunn wearing denim shorts.

And I've made 100+ cupcakes at a time, so I know it's feasible, technically speaking. But what I started to have issues with was logistics... easy and quick as it is to frost 130 cupcakes with a ginormous pastry bag and the good old Wilton 1M tip, someone still has to do it, then get said 130 cupcakes to Catonsville for the reception. And since I'm doing my own flowers (which requires its own complicated set of logisitcs), I just don't think it's going to happen.

So no, I am not making my own wedding cake, or cupcakes. I have found a highly recommended baker, had a tasting (what a novelty! someone baking cake FOR ME!!), and decided on flavors (lemon, chocolate, and carrot).

And because I TRULY can't stomach the idea of not having ANY hand in my wedding cake, I'll be making the decorations... which I can start now. :)